Oude Brusslsestraat 50
2800 Mechelen
The distance to Mechelen as the crow flies is 0.57 km
Private landlord
Residing landlord
Standard duration 10 months
No Thomas More model contract
EPC: 0 kWh/m²
All studio's are furnished en equiped with ; Kitchen unit, bathroom with bath or shower and with or without a terrace.
Very good location to Campus Thomas Moore and train station. Last but not least it's situated almost in the city center.
Students from all nationalities what leads to active social culture in the residence
Advance energy/water: € 0/month
Advance telecommunication: € 0/month
Tax second residence: € 0/year
Residentie Egmont
Oude Brusselsestraat 50
2800 Mechelen
+32 000 00 00 00
+32 000 00 00 00
Wij hebben geen studio's meer beschikbaar voor academiejaar 2023-2024.